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health first

Contact us

Camping: +30 23750 91487
Office: +30 2310 850 463


Armenistis Camping & Bungalows is a complex touristic unit for vacations, services and recreation, which operates with primary and unique goal its clients’ satisfaction.

In this context, for the most effective operation, we have implemented the regulation below, which is obligatory and accepted when entering the camping.


Arrival - Departure & Procedure

Upon arrival all guests are obliged to fill in the registration form with their data and the data of their companions, and also deliver their identity documents (identity card, passport) in order to confirm the above information.

They sign for the acceptance of the terms of the regulation of  Armenistis Camping & Bungalows and for their consent regarding the use of personal data (GDPR) by the Camping. Next, they receive the necessary documents (entrance card, camping sticker) whose demonstration is necessary when requested by the employees or management of the Camping.

The camping spot or accommodation is allocated exclusively by the Reception and a  change is only possible exceptionally and under the authorization of the Reception. The company reserves the right to change the camping spot if specific reasons occur.
In case that unregistered clients are found, the Camping Management reserves the right to expel the campers that host them or impose fines up to the amount of 200 €.

The camping spot or rental accommodation will be available after 14:00 or 15:00 respectively. In case of earlier arrival, the car remains at the outside Parking of the Camping.

Accommodation check-out and camping spot evacuation should take place after all financial matters are settled with the Company, until 11:00 at the latest. Otherwise, the whole next day will be charged

Late check-out (evacuation after the determined departure time) is possible only after approval from the Reception, depending on availability and with extra charge based on the pricelist. In this case, the car remains at the outside Parking of the Camping.

During July and August, after the delivery of the position/ accommodation and the payment of the bill, you can stay in the campsite no later than 16.00, otherwise you are charged with the cost of “Day accommodation” and the car remains in outdoor parking of the camping.

Upon departure, visitors must deliver the space clean and do not forget that the same space will accommodate future guests.


Rental Accommodation

Pets are not allowed in the accommodation regardless of size or breed. The guests can consult the Reception about pet’s friendly accommodation options. It is expressly forbidden to move furniture and equipment outside the premises of the accommodation. In case of damage by guests to the accommodation or its equipment, the visitor will be charged with the cost of replacement and maintenance required. Air conditioners with open windows are not allowed to operate.Customers expressly agree to the lawn watering program of the accommodation yard and the cleaning program by House Keeping. 


Vehicles – Vessels

Vehicles may enter the campsite from 08:00 to 24:00, but vehicles of daily customers are not allowed to enter.

Vehicle speed in the campsite premises may not exceed the 5 km/h limit and traffic should be confined solely to departure and arrival while it is completely forbidden during night hours (24:00-08:00). Driving inside the campsite throughout the day is not allowed.

Car parking is allowed within the limits of the indicated camping spot as well as in parking designated areas accorded to each customer. Car washing is prohibited.

Trailer and boat trailer owners are informed by the Reception to park them in designated trailer parking areas.

Vessel owners are required to comply with the legislation of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs regarding the vessels traffic, according to which, vessels with or without engine are strictly forbidden to enter any swimmers’ area marked by yellow and orange -coloured buoys.

Mooring vessels or placing anchors is only allowed in the designated mooring area, according to the instructions of the Reception, in limited and numbered buoys at the specified by the Camping Authorise. All other vessels are to anchor beyond the swimmers area and solely under their owners’ responsibility.

Vessel traffic zone is defined with buoys. Departure from and approach to the shore is allowed only within the above mentioned demarcated channel at a speed not exceeding the 5 knots limit.

Jet-skis are forbidden to enter the campsite. Using a jet-ski at a distance less than 200 meters from the distinctive orange-yellow coloured floating buoys that mark the swimmers area is completely prohibited by navy laws.

The charging of electric and hybrid vehicles is strictly forbidden at the camping site.


Pets are only allowed to guests who have their own camping equipment or a limited number of accommodations, provided they keep up-to-date health certificates that ensure they are of full health and have been subjected to all statutory vaccinations. Pet owners are required to take every action necessary, in order to ensure the safety and hygiene of the other Camping customers and visitors: L.4039, article 5 (Government Gazette 15 / 2-2-2012). Indicatively, all pets must be on leash and under the supervision of their owners, pets are not allowed in the sea, owners must collect their pets’ excrements.  The Camping Management reserves the right to ask pet owners whose pets disturb with their behaviour or with loud barking or who do not comply with the above terms, to remove their pets from the camping site or even to have the unpleasant task to expel the owners themselves from the camping site.


Permanent Constructions

Any additional construction or intervention on the camping site or the camping means that alters the picture of the accommodation, such as, indicatively, roof, fence, storage, barbecue etc., construction, regardless of construction materials used prohibited completely. Removing caravan wheels and supporting tents in unconventional ways is also prohibited. In case that any of the above mentioned alterations-interventions are found and the camper refuses to comply with the Camping personnel instructions, the Management reserves the right to request the customers’ checkout.



The company employs a beach lifeguard during the hours 10:00-18:00 for the protection of bathers and the observance of beach measures such as behaviour, cleanliness, noise pollution etc. The lifeguard is in immediate readiness to provide assistance and visitors can consult him for any information about the beach or the sea, as well as ask for his help in case of need.


Permanent occupation of part of the beach using umbrellas, beach furniture or fences is strictly forbidden. Camping personnel reserves the right to remove from the beach all objects that infringe the Regulation.

It is expressly agreed that every evening at 21:00, umbrellas and other equipment left on the beach will be gathered by the Camping Stuff.

Rackets are prohibited throughout the beach and in all areas of the Camping, except for the delimited and net-limited space that exists at a specific point of the beach.



The lighting of a fire and the use of a barbecue are governed by the provisions of the fire service and are strictly prohibited both in the area of Camping and on the beach. (Fire Order No. 9. Regulation regulating measures to prevent and deal with fires in Forest and rural areas)

Guests are required to follow to the letter all instructions given in case of fire.
Caravan and tent owners are obliged to disconnect the power supply during their absence, otherwise they are considered responsible in case of fire caused by the lack of such actions.

It is strictly forbidden to throw cigarette butts on the ground. The slightest negligence can cause huge damage, do not forget that you are next to the forest.


Quiet hours

Sound systems are strictly prohibited throughout your stay.

During the quiet hours, 15:00-17:30 & 23:00-07:00 (No. 1023/2/37-IA. POLICE ORDER NO. 3-Government Gazette B 15-12.01.1996), it is forbidden to cause any kind of noises, such as speaking loudly , reproducing music, organising festivities, using music instruments, or moving any vehicle in the campsite premises.

Music and noise are to be kept at respectively low levels at all times, in order to not disturb neighbouring campers.

Gathering of people at the beach during the night hours after 01:00 is not possible, in order to avoid disturbance and create synchronicity.


Use of Electricity - Security

The Company uses a circuit-auto cut-off relay in all available sockets per camping spot. The power supply capacity per socket is 4 Ampere and 880 Watt. Campers can be informed by Reception for camping spots where the power of the current is 10 Ampere / 2200 watts

The extension cables used for power supply should be resistant and made of black rubber –cable and not of a random kind that could be hazardous. Responsibility for proper power use lies solely to the customers. Intervening to the electrical power panels is strictly prohibited. Usage of electric ovens or appliances with resistor that exceed the above watt limits and may cause damage, are also prohibited.

Electrical Device operation during absence of the guest is forbidden so as to prevent short-circuits or fire.

General regulation - Shared facilities – Hygiene

  • Keep all areas clean. Do not throw garbage anywhere except in the garbage bins. Do not throw papers or other objects into the toilets.
  • It is not allowed to connect to water and sewerage networks except for places of similar specifications provided by Camping.
  •  Existing shared faucets in the campsite are for dish washing, laundry of personal hygiene, marked with the appropriate signs.
  • Use designated areas for cleaning chemical toilets. Emptying chemical toilets in non-designated areas is prohibited.
  • The Company is liable for the lands, playgrounds and public facilities maintenance; it is not responsible for their constant supervision.
  • The use of the playground and participation in children's activities organized by the camping animation team for children under the age of 14 may only be under the supervision and responsibility of their guardians.
  • The task of the gardener’s team is the regular watering of plants and lawns. Be sure not to leave your things in places that may get wet during watering. Nothing is allowed to be left on the lawns of the lodgings ' Gardens.
  • Drone flight is expressly prohibited. Their flight is defined by relevant legislation and under no circumstances is allowed over people.
  • Garbage disposal of any kind on the beach area is strictly prohibited.

There is a medical office with an experienced doctor in the Camping. Residents at the Camping can be informed by the Reception about the operating hours of the Dispensary while the doctor can be called only for emergencies.


The company employs a Security team, responsible for compliance with the regulation. Non-compliance with the recommendations of the employees of the Security team means non-acceptance of the regulation of the Camping and the forced departure of visitors.


The firm uses cameras to guard its stores and other facilities.


Guests are uniquely responsible for the safety of their personal belongings regardless of value, as the company is not responsible for any total or partial loss, damage or destruction and does not provide storage service of personal belongings.

The company bears no responsibility for disasters due to weather and other natural phenomena.

The guests are obliged to follow all directives given by the Camping Administration and Reception Departments to the letter, to obey to instructions, information and road signs placed inside the campsite and to comply with the provisions of the present Regulation.

All rules and terms of the present regulation are essential and may only be amended in writing form. A breach of any term hereof, directive or instruction, shall be regarded as reason for termination of any relationship between the parties involved and provides the Company the right to immediately expel the violator from the premises.


It is hereby agreed that entry and residence in the Camping Site of each camper and visitor constitutes the unconditional acceptance of all terms and rules stated.


Water Usage Regulation

Guests are only permitted to use water from the designated communal facilities. The creation of private shower spaces or other installations (e.g., hose, sink, etc.) is strictly prohibited.



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